Your support of the International Association for Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing helps us in our mission to foster advocacy, research, collaboration, knowledge dissemination and support for interdisciplinary practice, in order to promote the highest standards of care for infants, children and adolescents with feeding disorders. Thank you!
PLATINUM ($10,000)
- Recognition and logo on all IAPFS documents, website and social media for five years
- A three-year IAPFS membership for five associates in your organization
- Discounted conference booth for five years
- Recognition at all events for five years
GOLD ($5,000)
- Recognition and logo on all IAPFS documents, website and social media for three years
- A two-year IAPFS membership for three associates in your organization
- Discounted conference booth for three years
- Recognition at all events for three years
SILVER ($1,000)
- Recognition and logo on all IAPFS documents, website and social media for one year
- A one year IAPFS membership for an associate in your organization
- Recognition at all events for one year
FRIEND (<$1,000)
- Recognition on website for one year
Friends of IAPFS